EMF Protection

No surprise there, but the invisible is hard to protect yourself from. One is EMF, which I will try to explain. I am not of a scientific mind, so I had to research what EMF is. And I found it stands for electromagnetic fields. These fields are everywhere within our environment. This is due to both human-made sources (such as electrical appliances, power lines, and wireless communication devices), as well as natural sources such as the Earth’s magnetic field.

The video below will help you understand just what you need!

Get your tuün™ RESONATE here! This is the Top of the Top for EMF Protection!

tuün™ RESONATE is the BEST PRODUCT for EMF Protection on the Market. There are others, but this is the top. We have seen actual MIRACLES in what has happened with so many. There is a complete truth to the harm being done by EMF. When you gain in the knowledge, you will want to make sure everyone you care about is wearing this.

There is so much more things coming to the market. There is a huge issue with the invisible issues caused by EMF. The more you simply research it, the more you will see this is real, and you need to be doing something real about it.

More Details and Other Products to Help with EMF Protection:

OTHER PRODUCTS. EMF Pollution is being created by multiple causes. It is all around. We have the knowledge and the tools to help protect us. Adding multiple solutions to this real and invisible enemy to our quality of life; its logical.

Then let’s share with you some other products for helping eliminate the threats and harm of EMF.

In addition to the WONDERFUL tuün™, we have found more solutions using the Bio Arc Discs for all uses. You can stick it on anything Electrical. And there are some choices in clothing that offer protection.

The continuing increasing levels of EMF and other electronic signals, such as those used in today’s mobile applications may cause a variety of symptoms. These include the following:

None of this sound fun, so we really need to protect ourselves from these sound waves from causing us harm.

We live in the age of technology. Just about every man, woman and child in in the world, has their own cell phone. Most have tablets, laptops, PCs, radios, televisions, and the other electronic equipment to make them run. And all of the emit EMF, which are bad for our bodies.

Our continual need and want to have the latest and greatest gadgets could possibly be putting our very health and lives at risk. We use electroshock to put our hearts back into rhythm. There are many forms of Radiation, we use it to treat cancers. As well as Nuclear radiation is another source of EMF.

  • We are using Low risk fields such as those in almost every home and office. Routers, cellphones, modern appliances, microwaves, even light bulbs emit an electromagnetic field, EMF.
  • Did you know that even the sun, our natural light, produces EMF in the form of UV rays. Hence, why your skin burns.
  • Skin poisoning happens with spending too much time in the sun. Powerlines that supply our homes and office often send out big supplies of low risk electromagnetic fields.
  • Again, these fields are produced by anything that uses electricity.

Energy Healing:

Physical chakras, are energy centers within the human body according to Hindu and yogic traditions. There are seven main body energies, each located along the spine, from the base to the top of the head.

The world has its own movements. When our bodies are in balance, our lives are in complete harmony and our health is good. If one of the chakra becomes blocked and exposed to negative energy, we can experience emotional distress and disease. When we heal and maintain our energy body’s health, we actually heal issues that may come up before they show up in the body.

21,211 Chakra Vector Images, Chakra Illustrations | Depositphotos

The upper three are considered the spiritual chakras, and the lower three are thought to be the physical chakras. Finally, both are connected by the Heart chakra.

Increased levels of EMF and other electronic signals, such as those used in today’s mobile applications signals may cause a variety of symptoms. These include the following:

  • not being able to sleep
  • headache
  • depression and sad symptoms
  • tiredness and feeling worn out
  • lack of focus
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • mood swings
  • not wanting to eat and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety

None of these sound fun, so we really need to protect ourselves from these sound waves from causing us harm.

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us for the answers: